Thursday, March 22, 2018

Vice Presidents Who Live in Glass Houses

I found it amusing recently when former Vice President Joe Biden, speaking of Donald Trump's well–publicized "locker–room" recording made public during the 2016 campaign, a recording in which the future president spoke indelicately about women, boasted that, if they had met in high school (which is just barely possible since Biden is more than three years older than Trump), he would have taken Trump "behind the gym and beat the hell out of him" for the language he used.

Thus, Biden sets himself up as a defender of women.

I'll grant you that "beat[ing] the hell out of" someone isn't as offensive as the description of female genitalia that Trump used in the recording — but neither is exactly the kind of language traditionally expected from a president or a would–be president.

What's more, while there is no evidence of Trump having done what he described in that infamous recording, there is ample photographic evidence of Biden groping the wife of Ash Carter, the new secretary of Defense, in February 2015.

Seems to me the vice president should remember that old adage about those who live in glass houses.

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