Senator, what road do you think we're on now? The Yellow Brick Road?
Seems more like the Road to Perdition to me.
Just about everyone seems to agree that the economic stimulus package isn't perfect. But it's something — which is better than nothing.
CNN also points out that Lawrence Summers, head of the National Economic Council, says Republicans have no credibility on the economy — and he's right.
"Those who presided over the last eight years — the eight years that brought us to the point where we inherit trillions of dollars of deficit, an economy that's collapsing more rapidly than at any time in the last 50 years — don't seem to me in a strong position to lecture about the lessons of history," Summers said on ABC's "This Week."
You know, it isn't too difficult for someone like Shelby to stand up on the floor of the Senate and make those remarks to a relatively small number of lawmakers, many of whom are members of his own party and share his philosophy — and all of whom receive six-figure incomes. Not to mention the best health care that taxpayer money can buy.
I'd like to see what kind of response Shelby would get if he went to an employment office in any city in his home state — or any other state — and delivered his speech to people who are applying for unemployment benefits.
My guess is that more would side with Summers than with Shelby. A lot more.
Hopefully, the voters in Alabama will remember his words when he's up for re-election next year.
In the meantime, my advice to Shelby and the other Republican obstructionists in the Senate is simply this: If you've got something better to suggest, let's hear it. If you haven't got something better, then shut up, swallow hard and do the right thing for the country.
In the movie Jaws, Hooper, Quint and Brody are on the boat, the boat is sinking and Quint turns to Hooper and says"Hooper, what can you do with these things of yours", pointing to a spear gun and a shark cage. Brody yells,"That Shark will tear that thing apart!" Hooper looked at Brody and asked"You got any better suggestions?" and then they start assembling the shark cage. Point is that we don't have alot of options so lets try something. Partisan politics are not the answer!
Good analogy, by the way!
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