Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Choosing Up Sides

I posted my prediction for the presidential election a couple of days ago. Included in my post were dozens of links to newspaper endorsements of either Barack Obama or John McCain.

Endorsements continue to come in, and, although most of the news has been good for the Obama campaign, McCain has been receiving more endorsements in the South lately — dampening earlier enthusiasm that suggested Obama would be in position to win Southern states that haven't voted for a Democrat in more than a generation.

For example, McCain has been endorsed lately by:Outside the South, McCain has picked up a few endorsements, here and there:But the editorial momentum has been with Obama in this election campaign:And I'm particularly glad to be seeing editorial activity from the college newspapers:Elections are about everyone's needs. Young people need to be involved, and their school newspapers can play a valuable role in motivating them to participate.

"Without a journal, you cannot unite a community," Gandhi said, and I've always believed he was right.

But I also believe Michael Graham when he writes, in the Boston Herald, that objective journalism has been the loser in this year's election.

On both sides of the political spectrum.

And, as a lifelong advocate of a free press, I am saddened by that development.

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